
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家跨皇冠hga025合作,为长期出现COVID症状的人提供全面的护理. We draw on our knowledge and expertise to help you recover from long COVID.


Due to high patient volume, we are currently not scheduling new Long COVID referrals. All new patient referrals will be placed on a waitlist and evaluated for eligibility. All eligible patients will be contacted and scheduled based on provider availability.

A doctor with a face shield and mask discussing with a masked patient.

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for long-term COVID treatment?

大约三分之一的冠状病毒感染者会出现长冠状病毒症状, 由美国定义.S. 疾病控制和预防中心的一组症状,在COVID-19感染后持续数周或数月. 这些长时间的COVID症状可能会同时导致多个器官和身体系统出现问题. 即使是轻度感染的人也会出现持续的COVID症状,扰乱他们的日常生活.

多学科皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康长期COVID计划的专家具有独特的诊断资格, manage and treat symptoms of long COVID (also called post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2, 或PASC).


准确的诊断: We understand that effective treatments begin with a precise diagnosis. Since Long COVID is a diagnosis of exclusion, 我们的团队使用了一系列的测试,以确保我们在确认诊断之前排除了其他未确诊的疾病. 如果您之前被诊断患有COVID-19,并且症状持续时间超过12周, contact your primary care provider for a referral to our clinic. After you are referred into the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Long COVID Program, 您将接受专门研究长冠状病毒的内科医生的全面评估,以便我们为您计划正确的治疗和疗法.

定制的解决方案: 许多长期感染COVID的人会出现影响大脑、神经系统、心脏和肺部的症状. That’s why our team includes specialists in 神经学, cardiology and pulmonology. 在适当的时候, 我们的内科医生会将您推荐给这些专家, who deliver tailored treatments based on your unique set of symptoms. 这取决于你的保险公司, 我们还可以提供心理支持,以解决因应对冠状病毒及其挥之不去的影响而可能出现的心理健康问题.

协调护理: 作为一个致力于您康复的多学科团队,我们跨皇冠hga025无缝协作. 我们还会与您的初级保健医生沟通,以便他们参与您的护理并支持您的康复.

持续的支持: 从漫长的COVID中恢复需要时间. 当你需要我们的时候,我们就在你身边. Our team serves as a resource throughout your recovery journey. Whether that means connecting you with a support group, coordinating additional treatments or creating an at-home physical therapy plan, we’re committed to helping you feel better now and in the future.

被证明成功: With close to two years of experience and over 1500 patients treated, 我们已经磨练了我们的治疗算法,以优化机会的恢复利用跨学科的方法来我们的病人的护理.


作为长期COVID护理的领导者, 我们提供全方位的诊断, 治疗及支援服务. 无论您是轻度COVID-19病例还是需要住院的严重疾病, 我们可以帮忙. 我们的护理领域包括:


长COVID的症状,也称为COVID后综合征或PASC,可以模仿其他健康状况. 事实上, 这些症状有时是由未确诊的健康状况或由COVID-19引发的潜在状况引起的.

我们的内科医生团队使用全面的健康评估和最新的测试进展来找到问题的根源并确认长COVID的诊断. We determine what’s causing your symptoms so we can guide you on the path to recovery.


Long COVID symptoms can stem from issues in several body systems at once, requiring care and treatment from multiple specialists. 我们长期以来的COVID项目领导团队包括来自多个皇冠hga025和专业的专家, 包括:

  • 内科医学
  • 心脏病学
  • 神经学
  • 心理学
  • 肺学
  • 传染性疾病
  • 精神病学
  • 风湿病学

我们团队的每个成员都具有高度的专业知识,以确保治疗的精确和有效. 作为各自领域的领导者, we work together to treat you as a whole person, 不仅仅是你个人的症状.


我们富有同情心的团队了解COVID可能对您和您所爱的人造成的长期身体和情感上的伤害. 这就是为什么皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康长期COVID项目的支柱之一是全面的心理支持.

我们的心理专家提供咨询, therapy and customized treatments for mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We’re here to support you throughout your recovery journey.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康长期COVID项目, we treat the full range of symptoms that remain after a COVID-19 infection. Many of these long-haul symptoms affect multiple organs at once, 导致几个身体系统出现问题. 我们接受过特殊训练,治疗:


One in three people with long COVID experience neurological symptoms. These symptoms can linger for weeks or months after the initial COVID-19 infection. 作为神经病学的领导者, our experts treat cognitive problems and issues that affect the nervous system, 包括:

  • “Brain fog” (difficulty thinking, reasoning or concentrating) after COVID-19
  • Eye issues, including blurry vision or double vision
  • 头痛
  • 味觉丧失和嗅觉丧失(嗅觉缺失)


Severe COVID-19 infections can cause long-term heart damage. 但是,有轻微COVID症状的人也可能患有复发性或慢性心脏和血管问题. 这些包括:

  • 血凝块和静脉(血管)损伤
  • 胸部疼痛
  • Dizziness when standing up (orthostatic hypotension)
  • Fast-beating or pounding heart (heart palpitations)
  • 高血压(高血压)


Long COVID can cause persistent problems with the lungs and oxygen levels in the body. Many people with long COVID experience lingering:

  • 咳嗽
  • 不费吹灰之力就筋疲力尽
  • 乏力
  • Hypoxia (low levels of oxygen in tissues throughout the body)
  • 呼吸急促(气促)


A range of psychological problems can occur after a COVID-19 infection. 这些问题可能是由病毒本身引起的,也可能是由接受严重疾病治疗的压力经历引起的. They may also come with the challenges of living with long-term physical symptoms. Mental health effects of long COVID include: 

  • 焦虑
  • 抑郁症
  • 失眠和其他睡眠障碍
  • 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)


我们的专家提供全面的治疗,重点是缓解全身的长期COVID症状. We understand that recovering from long COVID can be challenging. We’ve designed our program to help you heal physically and emotionally. 我们的治疗方法包括:

咨询和支持: 我们有经验的, compassionate psychologists treat depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns that can result from long-COVID syndrome. 我们提供治疗和咨询,专门帮助COVID-19后患有创伤后应激障碍的人.

糖尿病护理: In collaboration with 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 endocrinology specialists, we care for people who develop diabetes after a COVID-19 infection. In addition to creating a tailored diabetes care plan, 我们提供教育, nutritional services and support to help you manage this condition.

药物: Whether you need medications to help with focus and attention, 焦虑和抑郁, 或者各种各样的身体症状, 我们的专家随时为您服务. 我们将与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康药物服务中心经验丰富的专家协调您的护理. 我们共同确保您的护理计划包括安全有效的药物.

物理治疗: 关节疼痛, 肌肉疼痛, 肺部和心脏功能问题可能导致长期感染COVID的人长期行动不便. 我们受过专门训练的物理和职业治疗师处于解决这些问题的治疗的最前沿.

肺康复: 我们的呼吸治疗师使用最先进的技术来恢复肺功能和加强肌肉,帮助你呼吸. Your treatment may include a combination of customized respiratory therapy, 呼吸练习和药物治疗. We’re by your side every step of the way to help you reach your goals.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康长COVID团队包括内科医生和心脏病学专家, 传染病, 神经学, 精神病学和肺病学. 我们与物理治疗师合作, 职业治疗师, pharmacists and social workers to deliver compassionate, 综合疫情后护理.

  • Long COVID Program Director: Nisha Viswanathan, MD (Westwood and Santa Monica)
  • Long COVID Program Assistant Director: William Q. 皮特曼医学博士(韦斯特伍德)
  • 心脏病学:Mario Deng, MD, Jeffrey J. Hsu,医学博士,博士
  • 传染病:奥拉杜尼B. Adeyiga,医学博士,博士
  • 神经学:Elyse J. 歌手,医学博士
  • 精神病学: Helen Lavretsky, MD, MS; Hanadi Ajam Oughli, MD
  • 肺病学:Kristin E. 施瓦布博士
  • 风湿病学:Mihaela Taylor, MD


如果您之前被诊断患有COVID-19,并且症状持续至少12周, 联系您的初级保健提供者,以转介到皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康长期COVID计划.

您必须有COVID或核衣壳测试阳性的文件(不允许例外). 评估需要COVID检测阳性证明(不接受家庭检测)和医生的有效转诊(见上文).

After your case is reviewed and it is determined that you meet eligibility criteria, 您将被安排去看我们的内科专家,以确认长期的COVID诊断. 如果合适,我们的内科团队会将您转介给其他长期的COVID专家.

如果你需要一位皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的初级保健医生,他可以把你转介到我们的项目中,请打电话给我们 310-825-2631.

请将外部推荐人传真至 310-301-5391.


如果您之前被诊断患有COVID-19,并且症状持续至少12周, contact your primary care provider to request a referral into the Long COVID Program. For help finding a primary care doctor, call us at 310-825-2631.



COVID-19 and have symptoms lasting at least 12 weeks, contact your primary care provider for a referral. 评估需要COVID检测阳性的证明和医生的有效转诊.



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